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I often hear that it can be challenging to practice yoga at home and students have said to me I don't have time, I dont remember the poses, I am not sure if I am doing it right.


The most common comment is I don’t have time. I find the best time is like joining a regular class, allocate that time, it can just be 15 minutes, maybe have a mat beside your bed ready to step on to, or roll out your mat in a quiet spot, step onto your mat at see what happens. Maybe pop on some music to gently play in the background, or if you have a busy house, maybe tune the noise out with a mantra or pop a headphone.


It may be that yoga movment is not happening but try to sit with the breath for 5 minutes, that is yoga, practice just one of the poses that come to you whilst sitting with your breath, that is yoga.


If you are new to yoga or only attended a few classes, or just dipped into you tube videos, it may be very different to attending an in-person class to maybe be given some key pointers to guide you to a regular practice. A yoga practice is so much more than just some external poses,

If you don't have a mat, sit on a chair, notice how you are breathing today, may gently raise the arm and touch the fingertips to the shoulders, make a few circles and see how that feels, then bring that awareness back to the breath. Yoga can be practiced on a chair too!

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