Winter is almost upon us, clocks are moving forward bringing darker mornings and early curtain shutting to hug us into our homes. These winter days can make us feel sluggish and and a bit flat and make it hard to movtivate ourselves to do things to get us out the the Winter malaise.
According to expert, Saundra Dalton-Smith, MD, we actually need seven different kinds of rest (physical, mental, sensory, creative, emotional, social, spiritual). There are many self-care options to choose from, but sometimes you just need a few quick go-to techniques.
If you have trouble getting to sleep or sleeping with waking up and not being able to get back to sleep. Here are a few tips that you might like to try.
A warm milky drink before bed.

1 cup of milk (ideally cow milk, but nut or oat or other milk substitute can be used)
2 chopped Medjool dates
2 pinches of cardomom powder
1 pinch of ground black pepper
Boil some warm milk adding the chopped dates, cardomom and black pepper
let it come to a boil
then simmer for a few minutes
wait for it cool to your taste
drink 1 hour before bed
Benefits of this drink are it can relax a tired body, and relax the nervous system and hydrates the body.
Avoiding caffeine and eating sugary food or late night dinners to close to bedtime.
Try to slow down the breath really bringing your awareness to the breath slow and connected to the present moment - can you make a comfortable longer inhalation than the inhalation. The focus on the breath may help the thoughts keeping you awake go away, temporarily, and then you find that clarity to deal with them in the morning.
Although not a traditional yoga pose and sometimes considered a yoga mudra, legs up the wall or Vipariti Karani, this pose can support the flow of blood towards the heart and bring help you relax before you go to bed.
To practice this lie on the floor or your bed
Elevate the legs resting them against the the wall
Maybe close eyes, rest your palms on your abdomen or along side your torso, palms facing up or down
Notice the breath and the quality of the breath, if the mind gets caught up with thoughts, see if you can focus on your breath. (*photo borrowed from Omstars)

Note: these tips are to help provide some tools to help you relax and may aid a better nights sleep. As with everything these are suggestions and may not work for everyone.
All yoga classes are back this week and I have an 8 week term which will take us right thought to December on my website. A 4 week term will also be available. If you require something inbetween let me know and I will organise that for you with a payment link or in person where I can accept cards or cash. To take advantage of the discounted rate at least 3 continous weeks must be booked.
Finally, as we approach December and dare I say Christmas and seasonal gift giving and idea may be some yoga classes if you are in the Stirling area. I now have yoga gift vouchers available to book online.